As we change and grow on life’s journey, so does our relationship with God.
Sometimes it is as subtle as waking up and seeing a sunrise differently. At other times, such life-changing events as a death in the family, career change, empty nest or retirement may leave us with more questions than answers.
We invite you to explore the opportunities to deepen your relationship with God at St. John Fisher, and, in so doing, learn more about yourself and your faith.
Below are just some of the opportunities here at St. John Fisher to encounter Jesus Christ in your place, and your time:
- Monday Morning Scripture Study meets 10:00-11:30 am at Marian Residence.
- The Seekers, a group of retired gentlemen, meets most Thursdays in the Cityside Room at 10:00 am.
- The Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in Room 108. For the month’s selection, please contact the Offices of Faith Formation.
Embrace Grace Lenten Retreat Presentation 2024
Click here
Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization at 310-377-4573 x130 or via email.