Help At Mass

In order to help our community do the work of Praise and Thanksgiving that is our Liturgical life, it takes a great number of people to volunteer and be trained for liturgical ministry. There are many opportunities to serve. Please click on the ministries below for more information and applications.

Lectors to proclaim the word of God.

Eucharistic Ministers to give people the Body and Blood of Christ.

Altar Servers to assist the priest.

Musicians to lead sung prayer and worship (vocal and instrumental).

Ministers of Welcome to welcome the assembly and guests.

Hospitality to serve donuts and coffee after Mass.

Liturgy Planning to coordinate the liturigical changes that happen throughout the year.

If you wish to learn more about these ministries, click on the tab and find out how to volunteer.


Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization 310-377-4573 ext 130