Care & Community

As Catholics, we are called to be in community with each other, so that we may pray and worship together, support each other through challenging and difficult times, serve with others, and at times, simply enjoy each other’s company!

To help provide the space and time for these community gatherings, St. John Fisher offers many enrichment opportunities and fellowship groups for adults of all ages.

In response to that call, St. John Fisher offers several Pastoral Care ministries whose purpose is to support fellow parishioners during stressful periods in their lives. Some examples of these ministries include providing support regarding the loss of a loved one (Grief Support), and communion for the sick (Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound).

Our active Adult community, when faced with unexpected life challenges, has access to several support groups and resources.

We encourage you to explore the links above to see which group best fits and supports you. And we look forward to meeting you soon!

Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization 310-377-4573 x130 or email