Lectors & Leaders

Interested in becoming a Lector?

As you may know, according to the guidelines of the Church, lectors serve at the behest of the Pastor, as directed by the Bishop. Candidates must be fully initiated in the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), participating in Sunday Mass and the life of the parish, and, if married, married in the Church.

To become a lector, one must complete an application form and turn it in to the Parish Office. Please click and download the application here: Lector Application.

What is a Leader?

Leaders are specially trained high school students who lead the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. If you would like to be a leader, please contact Kimberly St. Romain, Coordinator of Confirmation and Youth Ministry for more information.

 Log in to your personal schedule here!

Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization 310-377-4573 ext 130 mjesse@sjf.org