Baptism: Children 0-5 Years

What is the Sacrament of Baptism?

Baptism is a rite of initiation into the Catholic Church, a welcoming of your child into the Christian family. Through Baptism we receive the grace of God and become sharers in the Church’s mission.

When are children baptized at St. John Fisher?

In order that we, as a community, can properly welcome your child into the Christian family, it is customary at St. John Fisher to baptize infants at 1:00 pm on the fourth Sunday of the month.

What is the process to have my child baptized?

Please download the appropriate packet below that contains the forms and information. There are two packets: one for parishioners of St. John Fisher, and the other for those from another parish.

Carefully read and follow the proper procedure in your respective packet.

What if my child is older (over 5)?

Because older children are capable of learning about their faith, those who have already had their sixth birthday or begun first grade must take religious instruction before being baptized. Please call the Offices of Faith Formation (310-377-4573) for information about these special classes.

Misty Jesse at 310-377-4573 x130 or via email.