
Confirmation Preparation is a two-year process for high school-aged youth.

In sharing their own journey, and interacting with others, teens identify and understand how God is working in their lives.  This helps them come to a new realization of faith within the St. John Fisher parish community.

Year 1

In Year 1, the goal is to gradually awaken the reality of God in the life of the candidates. We do this by encouraging the teens to participate in the life of the parish community. The teens select a sponsor who journeys with them throughout the Confirmation process. We also want them to form new bonds with peers who come from the same faith tradition, so they can complete this important journey together.

Please click on any of the links below for more information:

Year 2

Year 2 is a period of more intense preparation for understanding and living out the Catholic Christian faith. The teens are asked to join a Mass Ministry so that they realize that they have gifts to share with the wider parish community.  The candidates will take a new name of a chosen Saint, in order to connect with a spiritual role model.  The teens participate in a weekend retreat, a concentrated time away from normal activities and their daily life to reflect on the powerful experience of God in their lives.

Please sign up at your Faith Enroll Confirmation Program page. Other information is there for your continued faith journey.

Please click on any of the links below for more information:

Ricardo Mata, Coordinator of Confirmation and Youth Ministry, 310-377-4573 ext 147