Adult Faith Formation is nothing new to St. John Fisher. In fact, there is a 30+ year history of offering ongoing classes and enrichment opportunities at the parish.
“The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ”, General Directory of Catechesis, 80.
As we journey together as a parish, we are called to personally encounter Jesus Christ anew, answer Christ’s call to follow him, and help others to do the same.
We do this in many ways: classes, short courses, study groups, small communities we call Christian Life Communities, weekend and day retreats, and special events.
The goal of all that we do is to allow all persons at all stages of the spiritual life to come to know Jesus and His Church in new and deeper ways.
The Adult Faith Formation Committee is an advisory body which works with Pastoral Staff to shepherd this vision. To fulfill this mission, they come together throughout the year to review the needs of the community in concert with the direction of the Church.
Members of this committee come from existing adult formation groups in the parish, as well as parishioners with an interest in helping us to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization at 310-377-4573 x130 or via email.