For more than 60 years, St. John Fisher Parish has been a beacon of light for our community on the hill. As our sign proudly announces to all who pass, we are A Catholic Community for All that takes seriously its mission to Love God. Love all people. Make disciples.
In 2006, St. John Fisher began a journey to transform our parish campus to ensure a strong and vibrant Catholic community well into the future. Together, we built a beautiful new church, visible to the community and conducive to full, conscious, active participation.
At the time, the entire vision of Campaign 21 could not be completed, due to financial constraints. In 2019, parish leadership determined that the Archdiocesan-wide effort Called to Renew provides the ideal opportunity to fulfill our vision for a cohesive, welcoming campus as laid out in our 2006 master plan. Led by a group of parishioners, Campaign 21: Completing the Vision was initiated and by early 2020 more than one hundred parish families had made pledges toward our overall $8 million goal.
When COVID-19 struck, all campaign activities were appropriately suspended. Now, nearly two years later, I am pleased to announce the re-launch of Campaign 21: Completing the Vision to create a centralized Pastoral Center, expand our gathering spaces to serve the growing needs of our parish ministries and programs, and address the security and safety needs of our parish children. Accomplishing this important endeavor depends upon raising the final $2 million necessary to achieve our goal.
To be successful, I am asking every parish family to help by making a sacrificial gift to support this effort. Before you decide on the amount of your gift, please prayerfully consider the generosity God has shown you, the campaign materials provided to you, and the importance of our mission and Christ’s call to Love God. Love all people. Make disciples.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. David A. Sork








Campaign Prayer
God, our Father,
we gather together at St. John Fisher Parish
where you nourish us with the Body and Blood of your Son
to send us forth into the world.
In committed faith and heartfelt gratitude,
we strive, as faithful stewards, to return to you generously
our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
We pray that our efforts to complete this house for you
will unify our St. John Fisher family
and bring to fruition your vision for our parish.
May all we do enhance our sense of community, our life of worship,
our reception of your Word, and our outreach in service.
May our grateful hearts be filled with your Holy Spirit
as we carry out your call to love and serve you and your people.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Areas to be Completed
The Monsignor Eugene A. Gilb Pastoral Center is the keystone of our campus master plan. Its central location, clearly visible and accessible, will draw people together and enable the parish to serve more effectively its pastoral needs.
This new facility will provide our parish a place of welcome for visitors and
parishioners to serve all of their needs; three additional meeting spaces with after-hours access; a secure perimeter around our school facilities; and, a much needed, basement-level storage facility for our Liturgical materials, parish archive, and seasonal decorations.
It will be a place to meet all your needs, including:
- Information about the school
- Faith formation for children and adults
- One-on-one counseling with a priest
- Candles for the Church
- Mass intentions
- Arranging a baptism, funeral, or wedding
- Reserving a room for your ministry
- Plus a myriad of other needs
The strategic placement of the Pastoral Center will create a locked perimeter around our educational facilities, with secure access points ensuring the safety of our parish children.
With an explosion of ministries over the past 20 years, we need additional, more functional space to gather and serve our growing community and satisfy the needs of all who wish to meet.
The new Pastoral Center will provide:
- Three new meeting spaces designed to accommodate after-hours access
- Existing office space will become new meeting rooms and classrooms
The Fireside Room expansion will accommodate:
- Gatherings of up to 100 people
- Kitchen facilities
Storage is an ongoing issue for the parish and a problem often unseen by our parishioners. The facility maintenance storage that is presently scattered all over our campus needs to be consolidated into appropriate facilities adjacent to the school and Barrett Hall. In addition, those spaces that became makeshift storage areas will be reclaimed and used for their rightful purposes to serve our parish and school activities. The new Pastoral Center will provide a 1,500 sq. ft. basement level storage facility for Liturgical materials, the parish historical archive, and seasonal decorations.
St. John Fisher will participate in Called to Renew, an Archdiocesan-wide campaign to raise $500 million in support of four priorities:
- Strengthening our Parishes through critical facility improvements
- Serving the Vulnerable through the restorative justice and hospital ministries
- Supporting Priestly Vocations by addressing facility needs and expanding scholarships
- Investing in the Faith of Future Generations to expand Catholic ministries on college campuses
St. John Fisher will dedicate $1,400,000 of our campaign goal to contribute to the historic Called to Renew campaign effort.
Making Your Commitment
To make your pledge to Campaign 21: Completing the Vision, please contact the Parish Office at (310) 377-5571.
Why Pledge?
Pledges allow families to make substantially larger commitments than might be possible with a one-time gift. Pledges may be fulfilled over a period of five years in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments. Please contact the Parish Office at 310-377-5571. for more details. Gifts to St. John Fisher’s Campaign 21: Completing the Vision are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Fulfilling Your Pledge
You have many options when determining how to fulfill your campaign commitment. Pledge payments may be made in any of the following options:
- Check
- Online CC/EFT (PushPay)
- Gifts of Stocks and Securities
- Donor Advised Funds
- IRA Distributions
Recognition and Naming Opportunities
For information on recognition and naming opportunities available as part of the campaign, please contact the Parish Office at (310) 377-5571.
Make a Pledge Today! Pledge Form
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the history of the St. John Fisher campus master plan?
More than 15 years ago, St. John Fisher Catholic Church underwent a thorough strategic planning process to develop a master plan to create a parish campus that was cohesive, welcoming, and would serve our growing community for the 21st Century. Out of several town hall meetings and Building Committee meetings, a well-integrated master plan was created. This master plan was truly informed by the voices of our entire parish community including our Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Building Committee, and parish staff, who, in 2006, approved the St. John Fisher campus master plan.
Since the approval of the plan, the participation and financial support we have received from our community has been remarkable. In 2007, we raised $17 million to successfully complete many elements of the master plan including our new Church. In 2010, before construction of the Church, we reconfigured the parking lot, created a grass play area for the school, converted the vacant convent to the Rectory, and razed the old rectory in preparation for constructing the Church. In 2011, construction of the new Church began and two years later, we dedicated our breathtaking Church – a testament of our Catholic faith. In 2013, we renovated the old church into the Parish Activity Center, created spaces tailored to our youth, and installed essential utilities in preparation for the future completion of the master plan.
Why wasn’t the master plan completed during the last campaign?
Even with such generous participation from our parish community, the entire vision of the 2006 master plan could not be funded by our Building Community, Celebrating Faith: Campaign for the 21st Century. We knew at the conclusion of the 2007 campaign that we may need to postpone completion of some elements of the master plan to an undetermined point in the future. Additional financial constraints resulting from the Great Recession meant St. John Fisher also needed to conduct a continuation campaign in 2011 to secure additional pledges in order to mitigate the economic impact on fundraising and keep construction of the new Church on schedule thereby keeping construction costs down.
Elements of the master plan that were not completed included the Pastoral Center, security and safety updates related to our educational facilities, and a direct pathway from the Church to the Fireside Room and Barrett Hall. It is these final elements of the master plan that we seek to complete during this campaign.
Why is this Campaign 21: Completing the Vision needed?
Today, we serve almost 3,000 families that join us in worship, attend our school, and give back to the parish and greater community through our dozens of ministry programs. St. John Fisher is prepared to continue growing—but our facilities are not conducive to this growth. The new Pastoral Center will be a visible, accessible, welcoming destination that accommodates all needs of our parish community. It will consolidate our Parish, Religious Education, and School Offices, provide additional meeting spaces for new and expanded ministry activities, improve the security and safety of our children attending School and Religious Education classes, and increase our capacity for community outreach programs that serve those in need. Our vision for the future is exciting; our efforts will ensure that St. John Fisher will remain a vital and vibrant community for generations to come.
What went into preparing for Campaign 21: Completing the Vision??
In Fall 2018, St. John Fisher began discussions about completing the campus master plan projects in conjunction with the Archdiocesan-wide Called to Renew campaign. Monsignor Sork and the pastoral staff consulted our original church architect to update the remainder of the master plan and examine the costs associated with completing it. In April 2019, the specifics of the plan were presented to the pastoral council. The Council approved the vision of the plan and recommended a feasibility study to assess the parish’s capacity for a capital campaign to fund the project. In June 2019, we conducted a feasibility study. The study determined that we had the capacity to raise $8 million, inclusive of the Called to Renew campaign, and the support of a majority of study participants for a potential campaign. At the July 2019 meeting, the Finance Council approved hiring CCS Fundraising to assist St. John Fisher with the campaign.
Why are we starting this Campaign 21: Completing the Vision now?
Based on the feasibility study conducted two years ago of Campaign 21: Completing the Vision was launched in August 2019. Originally estimated to take approximately one year, the COVID-19 pandemic compelled us to pause all fundraising activity in March 2020. At that time, we had raised nearly $5 million from a relatively small group of donors. Now, as the region and our community continues to make strides toward returning to normal activity, the time has come to renew our journey to raise the balance of $3 million needed to complete our master plan.
We are the benefactors of the foresight and generosity of past generations who helped to establish and build our parish and school. We are now called to do the same for the next generation—and it is up to us to preserve and pass on what we have been blessed to inherit.
What is the timeline for the campaign and construction?
Having determined that the time is right to renew our efforts, our revised timeline for completion of this special campaign will be the end of February, just prior to the beginning of Lent. Initial project construction could begin as early as Summer 2023; however, the final timeline will be determined by how quickly pledges are paid. The sooner campaign pledges are fulfilled, the sooner construction can begin. To begin withdrawing funds for construction, St. John Fisher must have 100% of the $8 million goal pledged and at least 60% of that total raised, cash-in-hand.
How will the current office space be utilized?
The space occupied by the current parish and faith formation offices will be re-purposed for additional meeting spaces, critical storage, and educational classrooms.
How will Campaign 21: Completing the Vision affect our parish offertory?
During Campaign 21: Completing the Vision, we ask parishioners not to diminish giving to their parish. Rather, we ask them to consider a gift to the campaign above and beyond their regular offertory giving. Every effort will be made to remind families of the importance of continuing to support their parish, as well as Together in Mission. In the long term, campaigns such as these have helped increase parish offertory giving. Parishioners are encouraged to continue to embrace stewardship as a way of life and strengthen their vision of what it is to be a member of the Church.
The simplest way to think about this is to define the Church as a home. Together in Mission and the weekly parish offertory are used to pay ongoing critical operating expenses such as salaries, insurance, utilities, repairs and maintenance, etc., while capital campaign funds go towards larger, one-time needs like the construction of our Pastoral Center.
How is this Campaign different from offertory, Together in Mission, or other special appeals?
This campaign is a special effort undertaken by the St. John Fisher community. This campaign is over and above our regular parish operations and maintenance. We are asking each family to consider a sacrificial gift that is also above-and-beyond their current giving. St. John Fisher’s Called to Renew contribution is in addition to Together in Mission, which supports the operations of other parishes throughout the Archdiocese, and in addition to any special appeals that support priest retirement, the seminary, or other ministries and Catholic Charities. In other words, there are three appeals or campaigns, Together in Mission, Called to Renew and Campaign 21: Completing the Vision, all of which are incremental to your weekly offerings.
Why are pledges encouraged instead of one-time donations?
Pledge commitments over five years allow families to make more sacrificial gifts than they might otherwise be capable of making with a one-time gift. For many families, a larger contribution is easier to pay off over a longer period rather than all at once. Please note that pledges are not legally binding contracts, but rather a statement of what you intend to give.
Is an initial payment required?
No, but it is encouraged. We need cash-in-hand of 60% of the estimated total cost of the project before construction can start. Making your first annual payment or providing any amount at the time of your pledge demonstrates your commitment to fulfilling your pledge and helps us begin construction sooner. There is flexibility in the timing and amount of your pledges to enable you to accelerate a pledge payment before construction begins in the summer of 2022.
How will pledges be collected?
St. John Fisher will handle all pledge processing and payment reminders over the designated five-year pledge period. Automatic Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) or Credit/Debit Card payments set up through Faith Direct are highly encouraged and will help to mitigate costs and resources of time related to mailing campaign pledge reminders.
Do you accept other methods of payment?
To make fulfillment of pledges as easy as possible, we are accepting many forms of payment including, but not limited to: Check, Credit/Debit (may be done via Faith Direct), donations of Stock and Securities (publicly traded and closely held), IRA distributions, Donor Advised Fund allocations, Corporate Matching Gifts, Real Estate, Tangible Personal Property, Gifts in Kind, Remainder Interests in Property or Retained Life Estate Gift (RLE), and Bargain Sales. Within guidelines, we will also accept irrevocable bequests and other planned giving vehicles. If you are interested in any of these, please indicate your preferred giving method on your pledge card.
What is Faith Direct?
Faith Direct is St. John Fisher’s secure online monthly giving program that works directly with your bank, credit, or debit card in the same way as other electronic funds transfer payments you may already conduct. All transactions are processed electronically, debiting your bank account or charging your credit\debit card automatically for the contribution amounts you designate for Campaign 21: Completing the Vision. Faith Direct will send an email each month with the details of your upcoming pledge payments. When you enroll in the Faith Direct program you can choose to have your monthly donations processed on the 4th or 15th. If you are already enrolled in Faith Direct for your monthly offertory giving or other special collections, your pledge payment will be processed in one transaction for the total offertory, campaign and/or special collection donation amounts you have designated. You can update your pledge payment amount anytime by accessing your account online at, by calling (866) 507-8757, or by sending us an email at St. John Fisher will receive your pledge payment within five business days.
What are my options for planned giving?
For those who are 70 years of age or older, the following are acceptable options for making an irrevocable planned gift to St. John Fisher’s Campaign 21: Completing the Vision: Bequests, Life Insurance Policies, Charitable Gift Annuities (including Deferred Charitable Gift Annuities), Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT), Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT), Charitable Lead Trusts, and Retirement Plans. For more specific information about these irrevocable planned gift options, please contact the Parish Office at (310) 377-5571.
Please note, planned gifts are not considered gifts/cash “in-hand,” and, therefore, cannot count towards the cash in-hand needed to begin construction. Further, supporting documentation along with a signed planned gift letter making your commitment irrevocable and legally binding must be provided. Approval of all planned gifts must go through the Office of Planned Giving at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles before formal acceptance by St. John Fisher.
Can I make a matching gift with my employer?
Yes, corporations endeavor to match the charitable contributions of employees. Please contact your company’s human resources professional to determine if your company has a matching gift program.
What if a donor is unable to fulfill a commitment to Campaign 21: Completing the Vision?
Donors are asked to sign pledge cards to indicate they have agreed to the terms of the pledge. Pledges to the campaign are not legally binding. If your situation changes and you need to adjust your pledge amount or payment options, we ask that you contact the Parish Office at (310) 377-5571. There are several options available to modify your pledge to accommodate your new circumstances.
What is the Called to Renew Campaign?
Called to Renew is a historic effort to elevate Archdiocesan parishes; strengthen ministerial outreach; support vocations and seminarian education; and provide additional funding for scholarships to Catholic schools, Religious Education, and college campus ministries. It is a capital and endowment campaign by the Archdiocese to raise $500 million to elevate parishes; strengthen ministerial outreach; support vocations and seminarian education; and provide additional funding for scholarships to Catholic schools, religious education, and college campus ministries. As with Campaign 21: Completing the Vision, the Called to Renew Campaign was also paused for most of the past year and a half. Likewise, as with our campaign, the Archdiocese has restarted its efforts.
How will Called to Renew be part of the St. John Fisher’s Campaign 21: Completing the Vision?
Parish stewardship and archdiocesan stewardship should not be either/or choices. No parish on its own can accomplish all its goals, and no Archdiocese can succeed independent of its parishes. This collaboration allows the Catholic Church to accomplish the most that it possibly can in educational, charitable, and pastoral programs from each dollar contributed to both parish and Archdiocesan appeals. This is an amazing opportunity to support programs across the Archdiocese. As part of our campaign to complete our 2006 campus master plan, $1.4 million of the $8.0 million raised will be earmarked for the Called to Renew campaign. The balance of $6.4 million will complete the vision for the St. John Fisher campus.
Will any funds be used for items other than the defined Called to Renew case elements?
Absolutely not. The Archdiocese has both a legal and moral obligation to restrict these funds for the manner in which they are intended. All gifts to the campaign are legally protected and allocated to accounts restricted for exclusive use to fulfill the defined case elements.
For additional information about Campaign 21: Completing the Vision please contact the Parish Office.
Our Community
Photos courtesy of Sam Pheng