Religious Education Parent Association (REPA)


REPA is belonging!

All families in St. John Fisher Parish belong to the Religious Education Parent Association (REPA). Whether your children attend the Parish School or one of the local public or private schools, REPA is for you!

REPA is Fun at Church!

REPA sponsors Family Events such as the Fall Kick-Off Bar-B-Q in October. Sadly, due to pandemic restrictions, we will be unable to offer the Kick-Off Bar-B-Q this year. We pray that we can celebrate together in the spring instead!

REPA is community!

REPA has contributed funds for improved emergency preparedness supplies here at St. John Fisher, and for new playground equipment in the school courtyard.

REPA is outreach!

Thanks to family donations and fund-raising efforts, REPA has made donations to a number of local and national charities. REPA is also a sponsor of outreach projects such as Adopt A Family, Family Sandwich Ministry, and “Box of Joy.”


Our Family Fun and outreach activities are intended to provide opportunities for parents and children to work together and have fun at Church. Your family contribution of $25 helps defray costs of family fun events and outreach activities.


Kim St. Romain, Director of Religious Education 310-377-4573 x136 or email