Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs), along with the priest, minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during the Communion Rite of the Liturgy and also take Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins in our parish. Our mission is to be a prayerful people filled with the desire and commitment to not only be partakers of Christ’s Body and Blood, but to become Eucharist and live it. We serve at the Lord’s Table by offering the gifts of His Body and Blood to our Church community. A training team, including the Pastor, staff members and EMHC coordinators provide training to those who wish to serve in this capacity.

Qualifications for the ministry include:

  • Must be a practicing Catholic and fully initiated (Baptized, Confirmed and First Holy Communion)
  • If married, must be married in the Catholic Church
  • Registered parishioner of St. John Fisher Catholic Community
  • Mature demeanor with a willingness to serve fellow parishioners
  • Attend scheduled training and ongoing formation opportunities

To apply to become an EMHC, please download the application below, complete and return to the Parish Office. Upon the recommendation of the pastor, candidates receive a letter inviting them to attend the next training. Training for EMHC candidates is held once a year. EM Application

 Log in to your personal schedule here!

EMHC to the Homebound

Some of our Ministers of Holy Communion take the Body of Christ to those who are homebound or in one of the care facilities in our community and cannot attend Mass. The application process for homebound ministry is the same as for ministers who serve at Mass. Homebound ministers complete the same training as ministers who serve at Mass and then take additional training to take Communion to the sick. They are then scheduled to visit members of our community, usually serving once a month. To receive the Eucharist at home, please contact the parish office 310-377-5571.

Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization, 310-377-4573 ext 130, mjesse@sjf.org