Food Drive

Four times a year, St. John Fisher parishioners fill brown bags with food for the working poor. Brown bags from Trader Joe’s are distributed after every Mass on the first weekend of the drive. The bags are then collected and distributed to local charities the following weekend.

Upcoming Food Pantry Dates:

  • Bag Distribution: 3/2/24 – 3/3/24
  • Bag Collection: 3/9/24 – 3/10/24

  • Bag Distribution: 6/15/24 – 6/16/24
  • Bag Collection: 6/22/24 – 6/23/24

  • Bag Distribution: 9/21/24 – 9/22/24
  • Bag Collection: 9/28/24 – 9/29/24

  • Bag Distribution: 12/7/24 – 12/8/24
  • Bag Collection: 12/14/24 – 12/15/24

You may send funds by mail or electronically using FaithDirect and choosing the fund for Food Pantry.

How can you help? In addition to filling a bag full of healthy food for a needy family, there are two ways you can participate in this wonderful ministry:

  • Time – You can distribute the bags to parishioners after a Mass. You can also help collect the bags and load them on the trucks for the charities. Whatever your schedule allows.
  • Treasure – You can contribute to St. John Fisher Food Pantry either in the pink envelopes attached to the brown bags or online through Faith Direct. Contributions to St. John Fisher Food Panty are separate from our general collection, so they are not used to determine our archdiocesan church assessment or our Together in Mission goal. Monies received will be spent to stock the local Food Banks.

Misty Jesse, Director of Evangelization 310-377-4573 ext. 130